Julia Creet, The Genealogical Sublime: New Narratives of Numerical Selves
MillerComm2022 – September 13, 2021 – Zoom event

Professor Julia Creet of York University presented on her latest research on the genealogy industry. Her research explores the widespread phenomenon of desiring to know one’s ethnic origins to thus better “know” oneself, as well as the complex practices behind the major organizations with genealogical databases. Her work in multiple media thus explores questions of data privacy, identity politics, ethics, and genetics.

Hosted by: The Initiative in Holocaust, Genocide, Memory Studies

In conjuction with: Beckman Institute for Advanced Science & Technology, Carl R. Woese Institute for Genomic Biology, Department of Comparative and World Literature, Department of Computer Science, Department of History, Department of Philosophy, Department of Psychology, Humanities Research Institute, School of Literatures, Cultures and Linguistics, Unit for Criticism