
Genealogy and Genetics Workshop

2023-01-21T14:55:58-05:00March 25th, 2019|

Genealogy & Genetics 8-Part Workshop Hosted by Julia Creet, Archives of Ontario (Sept 21, 2018) Thinking of buying an ancestral DNA test for yourself or someone else? Already have your results? This FREE public workshop brings together 6 experts from the fields of ‘Genealogy and Genetics’ help you understand the [...]

MUM: a story about silence

2023-01-21T14:55:58-05:00March 25th, 2019|

MUM A Story About Silence Julia Creet Director, Producer (2008, 37 mins) Part literary detective story and part personal journey, MUM is a documentary drawn from Magda Creet’s memoirs, letters and poems, an archive of a holocaust survivor who left a paper trail to her hidden past. The trail leads [...]

Data Mining The Deceased: Ancestry & The Business of Family

2023-01-22T15:09:55-05:00March 25th, 2019|

VERSION FRANÇAIS DISPONIBLE CI-DESSOUS Data Mining the Deceased Ancestry & The Business of Family Julia Creet Director, Producer (2017, 56 mins. HD) Genealogy is the largest historical enterprise in the world and one of the largest data mining operations, driven by the Mormons, and genetic genealogy [...]

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