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The Dark Side of DNA Testing
by Paul Lungen, Staff Reporter, originally published at DNA testing and tracing one’s family [...]
Why are we so obsessed with family history? Professor Julia Creet explores this question in her new book ‘The Genealogical Sublime’
York University English Professor Julia Creet traces the histories of the largest, longest-running and most [...]
“The Genealogical sublime”: An Interview with Julie Creet
Interview by Jerome de Groot Julie Creet's The Genealogical Sublime, a book about the development [...]
The End of Privacy?
Originally published by the Harvard Law Petrie-Flom Centre Written by Rachele Hendricks-Sturrup “Any idea we [...]
‘Any idea we had about privacy is over,’ says author of new book on genealogy
Featured Image: Julia Creet and the cover of her upcoming publication. Image reproduced with the [...]
W5’s Sandie Rinaldo interviews York University Professor Julia Creet about home DNA kits Watch the full episode, "W5: When DNA tests reveal a hidden history":